2-player platforming wizard soccer

Two wizards battle to the death in an action packed platforming magical soccer duel. The winner gets to claim the legendary DeathBall an artifact of unbelievable power that can focus your energy into a devastating beam. This game rides the line between sports game and fighting game. With only a joystick and one button, you can perform 5 moves: Lift, Slide, Bubble, Down Bubble, and the Hard Bubble.
How to Play
How to play
How to Play
Move your wizard with the joystick. Pair the Joystick with the one button to lift, slide, and bubble.
The Story
The story
The Story
DeathBall started in 2017 as a 6 day project during Tony’s final days in San Francisco leading up to 3rd Annual SF Killer Queen GDC Tournament. While the tournament raged on at San Francisco’s Brewcade, there was small laptop with two XBOX controllers in the corner that was drawing more and more attention. A simple concept, two wizards, one ball, one bubble, one button, lots of possibilities. By the end of the night Brewcade and DeathBall forged a simple promise, if a cabinet was built, it would be put in the bar.
Designed to be a simple one-button, one-joystick game packed with an expressive set of moves, DeathBall quickly grew an awesome fan bases as it toured Killer Queen tournaments and Arcade shows in 8 different states around the US. Now it can be played in 8 different locations around the country, with many more coming on line soon.
DeathBall is headquartered in Elkader, IA, hometown of founder Tony Hauber. Construction is done by local cabinet making shop Creative Woodworking LLC, and all Vinyl is printed and installed by local sing shop Signs-N-Frames. The awesome side art for the cab was done by the branding studio Studio K8Ki.
Features & Specs
Features & Specs
Features & Specs
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United States
Around the World
Add A Ball
Arcade Legacy
Dangerzone Arcade
Free Play Arcade
Glitch Bar
I/O Arcade Bar
Keg & Coin
North Ave. Market
Orono Arcade
TD's Bar and Grill
The Coin-Op
The Detour
The Yard
Voodoo Brewing Co.
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Tony Hauber
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